A regular meeting of Sonoma City Council will be held on Wednesday, December 7th at 6:00 pm. The full agenda and staff reports including items on the consent calendar and public hearing items can be found on our CivicWeb Portal. The swearing-in of three new Council Members, the recognition of three outgoing Council Members, and City Council Reorganization are also on the agenda. Items on the regular agenda are:
- Resolution Requesting Approval of Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS) for Hiring of Annuitant for Temporary Appointment to Critical Position of Interim City Manager Pursuant to Government Code Sections 21221(h); and
- Resolution Approving the Proposal from Baker Tilly Under Which It Proposes Making Available Mark Linder for Interim City Manager Services
The meeting will be held at City Council Chambers at 177 First St. West and can also be viewed on channel 27 or on the City’s CivicWeb portal. This is a “hybrid meeting” in that those interested in participating can do so in person or virtually on Zoom. Find out how to participate in virtual meetings here.
Submit a Comment
The public is encouraged to submit comments by e-mail* at publiccomment@sonomacity.org or by attending the meeting in person and speaking during the public comment period for the agenda item.
Keep in Touch!
To receive future Sonoma City Council meeting notifications via email, please subscribe on our CivicWeb portal.
* Per the City’s standard practice, any comments received prior to the commencement of the meeting will be uploaded to the public correspondence folder on the City’s CivicWeb Portal and available for review by the public and the Council. It will not be read during the meeting.