As the coronavirus pandemic is significantly impacting City revenues along with the local economy, the City’s focus is on supporting the community throughout this public health and economic crisis, while setting a flexible course of action for funding City services.
Key revenues like hotel taxes are being closely monitored, and the City’s financial reserves or “savings account” will help supplement funding for City operations until more is known about the revenue outlook for the coming months.
The adopted budget for the current fiscal year (which began July 1) includes over $1.1 million in spending reductions. These budget cuts were designed and implemented in ways to minimize impacts on service levels to the community, but some effects will be seen in both the short run and down the road. Funding has been maintained for a number of key priorities, such as firefighter staffing levels and sustainability initiatives, at least for the near term. Learn more in the FY 20-21 “Budget in Brief”.
The pandemic has also affected the services that the community needs. In addition to modifying City operations to help “stop the spread”, staff roles have changed to meet the needs of the community. We’ll be posting some examples on the City’s facebook and instagram pages.
Learn more about City finances on the Budget and Financial Documents pages.