Category: City News

Sort it Sonoma – Don’t put plastic bags in your recycling cart

Plastic bags, wraps, and film of any color, size, or shape are not accepted in Sonoma’s curbside recycling cart (the blue cart). These items are referred to as “tanglers” because they clog the machinery used to process recyclable materials. Each day, plastic bags must be removed by hand. To bring awareness to this issue, The … Continued

Weather Awareness: Flood Watch Issued Thursday – Sunday

A flood watch has been issued by the National Weather Service From Thursday afternoon (March 9th) through Sunday morning (March 12th .due to the likelihood of a rain event that could range from 1.5 to 4 inches. Pre-existing saturated soils from the past two months of rain will not be able to absorb excess rainfall. … Continued

Apply to be on the City’s Traffic Safety Committee

Have you ever wondered why a speed limit is set at 35 mph vs 25 mph? Do you think there are other traffic safety issues that need to be reviewed to see if there is a better way to improve the safety of drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians? Apply to serve on the City’s Traffic Safety … Continued

Serve your community as a Youth Member on a City commission or committee

Public involvement is crucial to the City’s decision-making process and appointed advisory bodies in the form of commissions and committees are an important and valued part of our City government. These commissions and committees are charged with focusing on key issues within Sonoma and then providing feedback, recommendations, and support to Sonoma City Council on those … Continued

City Council Meeting – Feb. 15th, 6 PM

A regular meeting of the Sonoma City Council will be held on Wednesday, February 15th at 6:00 pm. View the full agenda, including items on the consent calendar on our CivicWeb Portal. There are no items to be considered on the regular calendar, but there are two public hearing items: Ordinance Amending the Sonoma Municipal Code … Continued

Bill Lynch named 2023 Honorary Alcalde

The City of Sonoma has selected Bill Lynch as Honorary Alcalde (“Alcalde” is the Spanish name for Mayor) for 2023.  Mayor Lowe nominated Mr. Lynch in recognition of his ongoing efforts and contributions to the Sonoma community. Particularly of note was the many ways in which Mr. Lynch exemplified each of the selection criteria. Some … Continued

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