Category: Sustainability

Announcing the Winners of the 1st Annual Earth Day Photography Contest

Congratulations to Julia Lindsey and Leah Carter, winners of the 1st Annual Earth Day Photography Contest! As part of Earth Action Week and in honor of Earth Day, the City held a Photo Contest encouraging people to submit photos of their favorite natural spot, plants or creatures in Sonoma. The City received over 20 entries. Julia … Continued

Sheep Return to Montini Preserve Next Week

A flock of sheep from Two Rock Land Management will arrive early next week  (May 3rd) to begin fuels reduction grazing on the Montini Open Space Preserve. The managed grazing will focus on the lower meadow areas adjacent to the Field of Dreams and 4th St. West. It is expected to reduce fuel loads by … Continued

Earth Week Photography Contest – Submit Your Photo Through April 25th

This contest is closed. Earth Day may have passed, but it’s not too late to enter the 1st Annual Earth Week Photography Contest! Celebrate mother nature and all its wonders in the 1st annual Earth Day Photo Contest. Take a picture to celebrate the beauty, strangeness, and amazing qualities of our planet. Submissions open through … Continued

Free Electronic and Mattress Recycling Event This Weekend

There will be a free recycling event at the Sonoma Community Center, 276 E. Napa St. Zero Waste Sonoma, in partnership with the Conservation Corps North Bay and the Mattress Recycling Council (CCNB), is hosting a three-day electronic waste recycling event on April 9, 10, and 11 from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm each day. … Continued

City Council Introduces Ordinance Prohibiting the Use and Sale of Disposable Products Containing Polystyrene Foam and PFAS

At their Monday, April 5th meeting, City Council held a public hearing on a proposed polystyrene ordinance. This ordinance, if adopted, would prohibit the distribution or sale of food and beverages in disposable cups, bowls, trays, and clamshell containers containing polystyrene foam or PFAS (per- and polyfluoralkyl substances), commonly referred to as “forever chemicals.” Food … Continued

Bike2It! Bike Local Challenge

The Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition is sponsoring a challenge to those interested in decreasing their carbon footprint. The challenge: try using a bike for destinations within 2 miles. Everyone who signs up for the challenge in February will be entered into a drawing for a bike rack, basket, or lock. For more information and to … Continued

Introduction to Battery Storage—Free Online Class

Solar battery storage is an increasingly viable option to decrease electricity costs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and increase resiliency during natural disasters and power outages. Sonoma Clean Power is offering a free online class–an introduction to battery storage. The class will cover how battery storage works, different sizes (from small to household-capacity), control options, and … Continued

Find Electricity Rebates with the “Switch is On”

Did you know that the electricity supplied through our local provider, Sonoma Clean Power, is 97% carbon free? In Sonoma, going all-electric is one of the easiest actions you can take to reduce your greenhouse gases. Recognizing that switching from appliances to electric appliances can be expensive, there are numerous rebates available to you to … Continued

Electric Vehicles 101 – Free Webinar January 14th

Are you curious about electric vehicles or considering purchasing one? Sonoma Clean Power is offering a free webinar, Electric Vehicles 101, on January 14, 2021, at 12:00 PM. You will learn recent trends in the industry, what EVs are available; get tips on maximizing your driving range; find out the true cost of owning, driving, … Continued

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