Category: Sustainability

Compost it Sonoma! Free counter top pails now available to Sonoma residents

Fight Climate Change – Compost Your Kitchen Scraps! Organic material that is landfilled converts to methane. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. It is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide. In California, food scraps account for 18 percent of all the material that goes to landfills. This means on … Continued

Fall Home Energy and Resiliency Workshop Series

The County of Sonoma, Climate Action and Resiliency Division has announced thier latest homeowner workshops in an ongoing series for those interested in learning more about the benefits of making improvements that will help make your home more resilient. The workshops cover a range of topics including evaluating energy use, making a project plan, funding … Continued

New EV Chargers Installed in Sonoma’s Lot B

New L-2 electric vehicle chargers were recently installed at the City’s Lot B public parking lot located behind the Sebastiani Theatre, with the entrance at 152 East Napa Street. These two chargers replaced the old chargers that had reached the end of their service life. These new chargers further enhance the publicly accessible EV charging … Continued

Zero Waste Water Webinar

When it comes to a home’s irrigation system, a little maintenance can save a lot of water. Just one broken sprinkler head could waste up to 25,000 gallons of water between May and October.  Join @SonomaWater and @SonomaCountyMasterGardeners for a Q&A discussion on ways to spruce up your irrigation system! Learn how to eliminate water waste … Continued

City of Sonoma Installs New Energy Efficient Lighting

The City of Sonoma just completed a lighting efficiency upgrade project to support the city’s goal of reducing greenhouse gases. Older, inefficient interior and exterior lighting in city-owned buildings were replaced with higher efficiency LED lighting, which included the City Hall, Carnegie Library, and the Corporation Yard, home of Public Works. According to Travis Wagner, … Continued

New Downloadable Guide for Maintaining Low Water Use Landscaping

The Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership has published a new guide for homeowners to help maintain a low water use landscape. The  “Water Smart Gardens Maintenance Manual” (Manual) is an easy-to-use, step-by-step instruction manual on how to care for and maintain the plants, drip irrigation systems, and green features offered in the Water Smart Landscape Design … Continued

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