Category: Sustainability

Celebrate Zero Waste Week with the City of Sonoma, July 23rd – 30th

The City of Sonoma is celebrating Zero Waste Week, July 23 – 30. On October 19, 2020, the City Council adopted a resolution with the goal of achieving zero waste by 2030. This resolution encourages our community to: Reduce the amount of waste landfilled by increasing recycling and composting, Reduce the amount of waste created … Continued

Sheep Return to Montini Preserve June 2nd

A flock of sheep from Perennial Grazing will arrive end of this week to begin fuels reduction grazing on the Montini Open Space Preserve. They will plan to be on-site for approximately 10 days, from June 2nd through the 12th. The managed grazing will focus on the lower meadow areas adjacent to the Field of … Continued

Announcing the Winners of the 3rd annual Earth Day Photography Contest

Congratulations to Amiee Chavez and Lily Gelb, winners of the 3rd Annual Earth Day Photography Contest! As part of Earth Day 2023, the City held a “Park Exploration” Photo Contest encouraging people to submit photos of their favorite view, spot, plants, or creatures in or from a Sonoma Valley park, preserve, or open space. The … Continued

The Epicurean Connection Recognized for Sustainable Business Practices

The Sonoma Valley Chamber of Commerce and City of Sonoma are pleased to announce that The Epicurean Connection is this year’s Earth Day Sustainable Business Honoree! Located at 19670 8th Street E. Suite A in Sonoma Valley,  The Epicurean Connection was founded by Sheana Davis who believes sustainability, locally sourced food, and simple ingredients matter. … Continued

Earth Day 2023 Park Exploration Scavenger Hunt

Sonoma has an amazing number of beautiful parks spread throughout the city. Have you explored them all? Now is your chance. The City of Sonoma is sponsoring a scavenger hunt for Earth Week focusing on 12 of the City’s parks. The City created a map that connects these 12 parks. Participants are especially encouraged to … Continued

Fix-a-Leak Week is March 20-26, 2023

Join the City of Sonoma in celebrating Fix-a-Leak Week by tightening loose faucets and pipes, checking the toilet for leaks, checking your outdoor spigot for leaks, and inspecting your irrigation system for broken lines and sprinkler heads. But really, it’s best to keep water conservation top-of-mind throughout the year. Find and Fix Leaks to Save Water … Continued

Sort it Sonoma – Don’t put plastic bags in your recycling cart

Plastic bags, wraps, and film of any color, size, or shape are not accepted in Sonoma’s curbside recycling cart (the blue cart). These items are referred to as “tanglers” because they clog the machinery used to process recyclable materials. Each day, plastic bags must be removed by hand. To bring awareness to this issue, The … Continued

Winter Water Conservation Tips – Let’s Save Water Together!

We are excited to see our reservoirs filling up, but our region is still in a moderate drought. Hopefully, more rain storms make their way to us in the coming months, but until they do, let’s keep saving water together! Here are 3 easy ways to conserve water at home: Load Up! Two easy ways … Continued

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