Category: Public Works News

Broadway Pedestrian Crossing Improvements Project Update

The Broadway Pedestrian Crossing Improvements project will include the installation of Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at Patten Street, France/Andrieux Streets, Malet Street, and at a relocated crosswalk north of Traintown at Clay Street. The City has completed the design phase of the project and Public Works crews are prepared to begin foundation work to … Continued

Fix-a-Leak Week is March 20-26, 2023

Join the City of Sonoma in celebrating Fix-a-Leak Week by tightening loose faucets and pipes, checking the toilet for leaks, checking your outdoor spigot for leaks, and inspecting your irrigation system for broken lines and sprinkler heads. But really, it’s best to keep water conservation top-of-mind throughout the year. Find and Fix Leaks to Save Water … Continued

Now accepting bids for improvements to City of Sonoma’s Well #1 Vault

The City of Sonoma is currently accepting bids for the improvements to the City’s Well # 1 Vault. The City of Sonoma will receive bids online via the City of Sonoma Planroom portal until 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 11, 2023. In general, the work consists of safety and operational improvements at the Well No. 1 vault. … Continued

Request for Proposals (RFP) for Depot Park Museum HVAC Project

The City of Sonoma is currently accepting proposals for the installation of the HVAC System for the Depot Park Museum. The City of Sonoma will receive bids online via the City of Sonoma Planroom portal until 2:00 p.m. Monday, April 3, 2023. In general, the work consists of an HVAC modernization to the existing Depot Building including but … Continued

Free sand now available to residents at Depot Park – BYO sandbags!

With more rainfall on the way this week, we strongly encourage you to take time to prepare for upcoming storms. If your property has a history of flooding, please don’t wait for a storm to prepare sandbags. Sandbags can be prepared and kept on hand throughout the winter. Free sandbags are now available to City residents … Continued

Now Hiring – Public Works Water Supervisor

The City of Sonoma seeks a highly qualified, dynamic, and enthusiastic candidate to fill its Public Works Water Supervisor position (salary range $85,441 – $103,854 per year, DOE). This position reports to the Public Works Operations Manager and is responsible for the operation of the City’s water system, including water mains and laterals, valves, fire hydrants, … Continued

Sonoma Aqueduct repair complete and is now fully operational

We are pleased to announce that the Sonoma Aqueduct is now fully operational, and the City’s increased conservation request is no longer in effect. However, our region is still in severe drought, and we ask our customers to continue to save as much water as they can. The City of Sonoma has mandated a 20 percent … Continued

Sonoma Aqueduct Repair Nearly Complete

Repairs are nearly complete on the Sonoma Valley aqueduct that started this past Monday, September 12, 2022. Sonoma Water anticipates that the system could be fully operational as soon as this weekend. Crews replaced the broken valve (located under Verano Avenue, where it crosses Sonoma Creek) with a new pipeline Installed a new valve on … Continued

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