Category: Public Works News

City Council to consider updates to some fees September 18th

The Sonoma City Council will consider amendments to specific fees within the Planning, Building, Public Works, and Special Events departments during their forthcoming session. These amendments encompass a variety of adjustments, including clarifications, updates, removals, and the proposal of new fees. These fees encompass assessments for plan examination and permit issuance, street encroachment permits, staff … Continued

Sign Up to Volunteer at Valley Cemetery’s Workday on September 16th

Join the City of Sonoma for the inaugural Cemetery Volunteer Workday on September 16th at Valley Cemetery. We invite all community members to join us in preserving and maintaining our cherished cemeteries: Mountain Cemetery, Valley Cemetery, and Veteran’s Cemetery. When: September 16th, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon These workdays are carefully tailored to the specific … Continued

Enhanced Pedestrian Crossing at Broadway and Clay & Andrieux/France Streets Now in Service

The City of Sonoma Public Works crews successfully installed Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at the intersection of Broadway and Clay Street and Broadway and France/Andrieux Street. This task is part of the larger Broadway Pedestrian Crossing Improvements project. The process included activities like excavating and setting up foundations, erecting poles, installing necessary equipment and … Continued

Recording of Olsen Park Design Concepts Meeting Now Available

A recording of the August 9th virtual Olsen Park Design Concepts meeting hosted City’s Public Works Department in partnership with LandCulture LLP is now available for review. Watch it on the City’s YouTube channel. LandCulture presented two design concepts – see design concepts #1 and #2 on the project page – at the meeting and solicited … Continued

Chase Street Bridge Replacement Project – Saturday Work Notification

We wanted to inform the community about upcoming construction activity related to the Chase Street Bridge Replacement Project. Our contractors have been making good progress and will continue to work on Saturday, August 12th, between 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. This additional workday has been scheduled to ensure that we meet our milestones efficiently. We … Continued

Reminder & Preview of Design Concepts: The Olsen Park Meeting is Tonight at 6 PM

Join us tonight, Wednesday, August 9th at 6:00 p.m. for Landculture’s presentation on the Olsen Park Improvement Project. They will share the community feedback from the neighborhood’s onsite visioning meeting and online survey, along with the initial design concepts for the park improvements. See a preview of Design Concept #1 and Design Concept #2. We … Continued

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