Residents, visitors, and businesses in Sonoma count on the City to deliver high quality, dependable water for a variety of community needs including consumption, irrigation, and fire protection. The water entering the distribution system is of very high quality. Water quality can deteriorate in water distribution mains, so flushing is conducted to remove impurities or … Continued
The Sonoma Overlook Trail Stewards have reported that the Sonoma Overlook Trail Reroute and Rehabilitation project is now 50% complete. The American Conservation Experience (ACE) crew members are using a variety of trail techniques to shed water off the trail to slow erosion and to cover some of the exposed bedrock. The crew has constructed … Continued
A Special City Council meeting and Regular City Council meeting, which will include a public hearing regarding proposed water rate increases, are scheduled for Monday, August 20, 2018. A study session of financial reserve policies will take place at the special meeting of the Sonoma City Council at 5:00pm. See the full agenda and staff … Continued
The City of Sonoma is celebrating Park and Recreation Month this July. In accordance with the tradition of the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), City staff and community services partners were recognized at the City Council Meeting on June 21, 2018, when Mayor Agrimonti proclaimed the Month of July “National Park and Recreation Month.” The proclamation was … Continued
The 2017 Water Quality Report is now available. View the report online or pick up a pamphlet at Sonoma City Hall, No.1 Sonoma Plaza, Open Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, closed 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm.
UPDATE – Precision Concrete Cutting (PCC) will be continuing their work on Monday, June 25th and Tuesday, June 26th. There was some remaining budget that they will be using to finish more of the remaining work on Phase 5. PCC will be working along 5th Street West, Hayes Street, and 4th Street West as funding … Continued
The public is invited to join the City of Sonoma, Sonoma Overlook Trail Stewards, Sonoma Ecology Center and the American Conservation Experience Trail Crew as they commemorate the start of the extensive rehabilitation project on the Lower and Upper Overlook Trail. The Sonoma Overlook Trail Improvement Project Kickoff Celebration is scheduled for Wednesday, June 20, 2018 at 1:00 … Continued
The Sonoma County Water Agency (Sonoma Water) will be performing an inspection of City sewer pipes in, around and adjacent to the Sonoma Plaza including Broadway from McDonell St to Mercy Ct. The work is expected to be quiet, but there may be minimal noise equal to a truck idling if portions of the sewer … Continued
A 14-week extensive rehabilitation project to make a more sustainable Sonoma Overlook Trail is set to begin June 17, 2018, during which time the trail will be closed to the public until mid-September 2018. High usage has contributed to soil erosion and exposure of bedrock, creating unsure footing. Sonoma Overlook Trail (SOT) Stewards worked with … Continued
Delayed due to the firestorm in October 2017, the City of Sonoma 2017 Street Rehabilitation and Water Services Replacement Project (project) will recommence starting April 30, 2018. This project is part of the City’s commitment to keeping the City’s streets in a safe and functional condition for multi-modal circulation, and replaced aging water infrastructure. The … Continued