The City of Sonoma Public Works Department Water Division recently hosted one of five Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) Water Pump Efficiency Training courses for municipalities. Staff from other local water systems attended this training. The City’s Water Operations Supervisor, Steve MacCarthy, made the arrangements for the training. The Water Pump Efficiency Training makes the … Continued
The Sonoma Overlook Trail Stewards (Stewards) and the city of Sonoma (City) are pleased to announce that the Upper portion of the Sonoma Overlook Trail Rehabilitation and Reroute Project (Project) is complete and the Upper Meadow Loop trail will re-open to the public Saturday, October 20, 2018. The Upper Meadow Loop that leads to the scenic overlook … Continued
The City of Sonoma is expected to start construction on the 2018 Citywide Slurry Seal Project (project) the week of September 24, 2018. This project is part of the City’s commitment to keeping the City’s streets in a safe and functional condition for multi-modal circulation. On August 20th, 2018, the City Council awarded a construction … Continued
Lower portion of the trail to be closed through winter, a decision regarding the upper portion of the trail is pending. The Sonoma Overlook Trail Rehabilitation and Reroute Project (Project) opening originally scheduled for mid-September has been postponed to a date yet to be determined, to protect the community’s investment in the trail. The City, in … Continued
A no-discharge water main flushing system is to be used to flush some of the City’s water mains beginning on Monday, August 27, 2018 at 8:00 AM by ValveTek Utility Services, Inc (ValveTek). The project is expected to last approximately nine (9) days. ValveTek will start flushing mains in the Fryer Creek neighborhood and then … Continued
Residents, visitors, and businesses in Sonoma count on the City to deliver high quality, dependable water for a variety of community needs including consumption, irrigation, and fire protection. The water entering the distribution system is of very high quality. Water quality can deteriorate in water distribution mains, so flushing is conducted to remove impurities or … Continued
The Sonoma Overlook Trail Stewards have reported that the Sonoma Overlook Trail Reroute and Rehabilitation project is now 50% complete. The American Conservation Experience (ACE) crew members are using a variety of trail techniques to shed water off the trail to slow erosion and to cover some of the exposed bedrock. The crew has constructed … Continued
A Special City Council meeting and Regular City Council meeting, which will include a public hearing regarding proposed water rate increases, are scheduled for Monday, August 20, 2018. A study session of financial reserve policies will take place at the special meeting of the Sonoma City Council at 5:00pm. See the full agenda and staff … Continued
The City of Sonoma is celebrating Park and Recreation Month this July. In accordance with the tradition of the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), City staff and community services partners were recognized at the City Council Meeting on June 21, 2018, when Mayor Agrimonti proclaimed the Month of July “National Park and Recreation Month.” The proclamation was … Continued