Category: Public Works News

New Parking Directional Signs Installed

Finding public parking areas in the City of Sonoma just got a little easier. City Public Works staff installed new highly visible parking directional signs to replaced faded signs in the downtown area this week in response to concerns that the existing signs were hard to see.  The new signs are retroreflective and consistent with … Continued

Depot Park First Street West Frontage Improvements Project Out to Bid

The Depot Park First Street West Frontage Improvements Project will reduce the risk of flooding for homes and businesses along First Street West and improve safety for people traveling along First Street West during storms, while retaining an open drainage channel along Depot Park.  Improvements include removal of stumps and roots from four large Eucalyptus … Continued

Slurry Seal Project Update

On Saturday, June 20th Bayside Stripe & Seal will be premarking (“cat tracking”) for permanent striping that will be applied to roads that were slurry sealed over the last two days.    They will start at 8 am on 5th Street West between Napa Street and Andrieux Street, proceed to Andrieux Street between 2nd Street … Continued

2020 Citywide Slurry Seal and Roadway Safety Project Begins June 13th

The City of Sonoma is pleased to announce the 2020 Citywide Slurry Seal Project (Project) will start this weekend. The Project will begin with preparations on June 13th and 14th followed by the application of the slurry seal on June 18th and 19th.  The Slurry Seal program is part of the City’s commitment to keeping … Continued

Happy National Public Works Week! May 17th – 23rd

Infrastructure and public works activity are all around us, but we seldom notice it…unless it stops working! We would like to take this week to recognize our City of Sonoma Public Works staff who support the Sonoma community through planning, building, operating and managing our city year-round. Their efforts are especially appreciated during this time … Continued

Flushing Water Lines in Facilities After Extended Shutdown 

This guidance applies only to buildings and facilities that have been shut down for an extended period without water use or where water was only sparsely used for a prolonged period of time. Facilities that are reopening after an extended shutdown should take precautionary steps for water quality, including but not limited to flushing your … Continued

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