Due to technical difficulties, the regular meeting of the Traffic Safety Committee scheduled for Thursday, April 1st at 6:00 pm has been continued to April 15th. To receive a meeting notification via email, please subscribe on our CivicWeb portal. View the full agenda for the April 15th meeting including staff reports on our CivicWeb Portal. … Continued
Public Works Director Colleen Ferguson is pleased to announce that Chris Pegg will be the City’s new Public Works Operations Manager. He will start in his new role on Friday, March 12. As the Public Works Operations Manager, Mr. Pegg will be responsible for the activities of the water, streets, parks, facilities, and cemetery divisions … Continued
The City is currently seeking qualified applicants for three (3) positions. For more detailed information, select the job title below or visit our Current Job Recruitments Page. Full-Time Public Works Water Supervisor Full-Time Public Works Streets Supervisor Full-Time Public Works Parks, Cemeteries, and Facilities Supervisor A City application and resume are required for each position. … Continued
The Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District (District) is seeking your opinion regarding natural hazards in the area. The information you provide will help us identify and develop projects for the District’s 2021 Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP). The survey should take approximately 5 to 10 minutes to complete, and your … Continued
Last Saturday, City of Sonoma Public Works Department staff organized a Community Volunteer event at Mountain Cemetery targeting graffiti abatement. Over a dozen volunteers turned out on February 6th for the inaugural Mountain Cemetery volunteer workday. The City would like to extend a heartfelt ‘Thank You! to the volunteers that donated their time and energy … Continued
The City is currently seeking qualified applicants for two (2) positions in the Public Works Department. For more detailed information, select the job title below or visit our Current Job Recruitments Page. Full-Time Public Works Operations Manager (Annual Salary$99,978 – $121,524 DOE), Applications Due 5:00 p.m. February 8, 2021 Full-Time Maintenance Worker position in the … Continued
Construction work on the Depot Park First Street West Frontage Improvements Project concluded on January 8, 2021. The work completed included removal of stumps and roots from four large Eucalyptus trees, widening and stabilizing the open drainage channel along First Street West, construction of a new retaining wall, reconstruction of a pathway in Depot Park, … Continued
Finding public parking areas in the City of Sonoma just got a little easier. City Public Works staff installed new highly visible parking directional signs to replaced faded signs in the downtown area this week in response to concerns that the existing signs were hard to see. The new signs are retroreflective and consistent with … Continued
Construction of the Depot Park First Street West Frontage Improvements Project is scheduled to begin next week on September 14, 2020. The Project will reduce the risk of flooding for homes and businesses along First Street West and improve safety for people traveling along First Street West during storms, while retaining an open drainage channel … Continued
The Depot Park First Street West Frontage Improvements Project will reduce the risk of flooding for homes and businesses along First Street West and improve safety for people traveling along First Street West during storms, while retaining an open drainage channel along Depot Park. Improvements include removal of stumps and roots from four large Eucalyptus … Continued