Category: Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Alert Test October 4th – We want your feedback!

There’s a Nationwide Emergency Alert Test happening on October 4th, and WE NEED YOUR HELP! Voluntarily participate and provide feedback to the county on the nationwide wireless emergency alert exercise TOMORROW, Oct. 4, at approximately 11:20 -11:50 a.m. ⚠The test alert will attempt to reach every cell phone in the county. We encourage you to … Continued

Beat the Heat! Summer Weather Preparedness Tips & Resources

Summer is officially here and the temperatures are going up. It’s important to consider the effects of warmer temperatures and to take appropriate precautions to protect your health and safety during heat events. By following a few important steps, you can keep yourself, your loved ones, neighbors, and pets comfortable and safe during a heatwave: … Continued

Vegetation Management & Weed Abatement

Temperatures are rising, grasses are drying, and fire season is near – it’s time to take measures to create defensible space around your home by managing vegetation. Proper Vegetation Management and Weed Abatement play a critical role in reducing potential fire hazards. The Sonoma Valley Fire District’s (SVFD) Annual Weed Abatement Program is in full swing … Continued

Weather Awareness: Another Round of Rain, Wind Expected this Week

The National Weather Service reports that another storm will impact the Bay Area this week. While the City of Sonoma is not under any flood or wind advisories or warnings at this time, our region may receive up to 3″ of rain beginning Monday through Wednesday.  As the rain continues, so do concerns about flooding, … Continued

Weather Awareness: Flood Watch Issued Thursday – Sunday

A flood watch has been issued by the National Weather Service From Thursday afternoon (March 9th) through Sunday morning (March 12th .due to the likelihood of a rain event that could range from 1.5 to 4 inches. Pre-existing saturated soils from the past two months of rain will not be able to absorb excess rainfall. … Continued

Free sand now available to residents at Depot Park – BYO sandbags!

With more rainfall on the way this week, we strongly encourage you to take time to prepare for upcoming storms. If your property has a history of flooding, please don’t wait for a storm to prepare sandbags. Sandbags can be prepared and kept on hand throughout the winter. Free sandbags are now available to City residents … Continued

Community Festival and Preparedness Fair at Larson Park Saturday, September 10th

A Community Festival and Preparedness Fair is coming to Larson Park in Sonoma Valley on Saturday, September 10th from 3-7 pm. Family-friendly fun, kids’ activities, raffle prizes, Go Bag supplies while they last, and lots of information on how to be prepared and stay safe in emergencies. Participants include: Sonoma Valley Fire, Nuestra Comunidad, Latino … Continued

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