Category: Planning Dept News

Take our Housing Survey for a chance to win a $50 Visa gift card!

Help us shape the future of our community’s housing needs by taking the Housing Needs and Priorities survey. Taking this survey will automatically give you a chance to win a $50 gift card! The City of Sonoma is in the process of updating the Housing Element of the General Plan for the 2023-2031 period as … Continued

Let us know your housing concerns and priorities – take our survey today!

The City of Sonoma (City) is seeking feedback from the community to inform its 6th Cycle Housing Element Update, which provides the City’s plan to accommodate and encourage housing development, rehabilitation, and preservation from 2023-2031 and to promote equitable access to housing and resources. The City has several tools available on the City’s website to … Continued

Where would you like to see new housing in the city of Sonoma?

Learn how Sonoma can meet its housing goals using Balancing Act – an easy, online, simulation that allows you to create a Housing Plan by exploring how different housing densities can help the city meet its housing goals, envisioning where that housing might go, and providing input on where they want to see new housing … Continued

Housing Element Kick-Off Meeting – January 25th, 6:00 PM (Virtual)

On January 25th, the City Council and the Planning Commission will hold a virtual, joint public “Town Hall” meeting to discuss the preparation of the new Housing Element and receive a report on steps taken to date by staff and the City’s Housing Element consultant. The agenda includes: Housing Element Basics – what a Housing … Continued

ABAG Releases Final Regional Housing Needs Allocations (RHNA)

On Thursday, December 16th, the ABAG Executive Board conducted a public hearing and adopted (Resolution No. 13 – 2021) the “Final RHNA Plan” for its member jurisdictions for the 6th Cycle Housing Element update process. For the City of Sonoma, this means that the Housing Element that is to be prepared and adopted by the … Continued

Free Webinar: How to Create an ADU Permit Application

Are you a homeowner who wants to: Build a passive income stream? Create a home for an elderly parent? Plan for your retirement? If so, an Accessory Dwelling Unit may be the perfect solution for you! REGISTER NOW for the Napa-Sonoma ADU Center‘s FREE webinar with Planning & Building Dept staff from the cities of … Continued

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