Public involvement is crucial to the City’s decision-making process and appointed advisory bodies in the form of commissions and committees are an important and valued part of our City government. These commissions and committees are charged with focusing on key issues within Sonoma and then providing feedback, recommendations, and support to Sonoma City Council on those … Continued
The Montaldo Apartments Project is a proposed residential development at 19320 Sonoma Highway featuring 50 three-story residential apartment units with ground-floor entrances and garages, vehicle circulation, common open space, and landscaping. 25 percent of the project would be reserved for low-income households. The project would combine two existing parcels into a 2.15-acre lot and remove … Continued
The City of Sonoma City Council will consider the City of Sonoma 6th Cycle Housing Plan and Background Report and CEQA Notice of Exemption at a Special Meeting on Tuesday, January 31st at 6 p.m. View the agenda including the staff report and draft document on our CivicWeb Portal. The draft Housing Plan can also … Continued
The City of Sonoma City Council will consider the City of Sonoma 6th Cycle Housing Plan and Background Report and CEQA Notice of Exemption at a Special Meeting on Tuesday, January 31st at 6 p.m. The agenda will be available on our CivicWeb Portal. Visit our Housing Element Update page for more information. The Special … Continued
The City of Sonoma has expanded its online services and is now accepting some permits and applications through a new virtual permit system. Save yourself a visit to City Hall – apply virtually for the following on the City’s new online permit system: Public Works Department Encroachment Permit Improvement Plan & Final Map Review Planning … Continued
The city of Sonoma is seeking proposals from qualified consultants for professional services to update the City’s General Plan and prepare an environmental impact report. Responses are solicited for this Project in accordance with the terms, conditions, and instructions that are set forth in the RFP. Responses are due no later than 5:00 p.m. Friday, … Continued
The City’s Planning Commission discussed the Public Draft Parking Management Plan (Plan) at their November 17th meeting (watch a recording) and continued the item to their December 15th meeting. The item is being continued to allow City staff and W-Trans to research and incorporate recommendations made by the commission. Staff will then take the plan with any … Continued
At the direction of the City Council, the City has embarked on a comprehensive parking strategy/management plan for Downtown Sonoma. The goals of the Downtown Parking Management Plan (Plan) are to: identify parking issues, concerns, and needs – both current, and to the extent possible, future – and to identify management strategies and infrastructure improvements … Continued
The City of Sonoma has extended the public review and comment period for the State mandated Public Review Draft of the 6th Cycle 2023 – 2031 Housing Element (draft). The City invites community members, residents, and anyone with housing interests in the City to review the draft and provide written comments to City staff by … Continued
UPDATE 9/8/2022 – The public comment period has been extended to Friday, September 16th. The State mandated Public Review Draft of the 6th Cycle 2023 – 2031 Housing Element (draft) for the City of Sonoma (City) has been released for public review and comment. The City invites community members, residents, and anyone with housing interests in … Continued