General Plan Task Force Meeting – January 10th & February 6th, 5:00 PM The General Plan Update Task Force is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, January 10th, and Tuesday, February 6th at 5:00 p.m. in the City’s Emergency Operations Center, located at 117 First St W. See the agenda for the January 1oth meeting. An … Continued
Thank you to all who participated in the Community Workshops for the Sonoma General Plan Update in November. Your active engagement and valuable contributions continue to shape the future of our city, and we appreciate your commitment to this important process. If you were unable to attend the workshops or wish to revisit the discussions, … Continued
The City Council will conduct a public hearing at thier regular meeting to consider an appeal by the Applicant regarding the Planning Commission’s decision to approve the Use Permit, Exception to Development Code Loading Standard, Reduction of Residential Component, Design Review, Demolition Permit, and Lot Line Adjustment for the Hotel Project Sonoma. Date and Time: … Continued
Join the City of Sonoma for the second interactive community workshop to discuss strengths, issues, opportunities, and your vision for the City of Sonoma through 2045 happening tonight, November 13th, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the Vintage House, locatedat 264 First Street East, Sonoma. This workshop will build off of themes identified during the first … Continued
Thank you to all who joined us for the initial Community Visioning Workshop on November 2nd. Your valuable insights play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our city through the ongoing Sonoma General Plan Update. The success of this crucial process hinges on the active engagement of our community members, and we genuinely … Continued
Join the City of Sonoma at the first of two interactive community workshops to discuss strengths, issues, opportunities, and your vision for the City of Sonoma through 2045 this Thursday, November 2nd beginning at 6:00 p.m. When: November 2nd and/or November 13th, 2023 – 6:00 p.m. Where: Vintage House, 264 First Street East, Sonoma All … Continued
The City of Sonoma initiated its General Plan Update Process this week with a special joint meeting of the Planning Commission and City Council. You can watch a recording of the meeting on our CivicWeb Portal or City YouTube channel. Once approved in 2025, the City’s General Plan 2045 will guide the development of the … Continued
The Sonoma City Council and Planning Commission will kick-off the General Plan 2045 Update at a special joint meeting to be held on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Find the agenda on our CivicWeb Portal. The meeting will be held at City Council Chambers at 177 First St. West and can be viewed on channel 27 … Continued
The City of Sonoma (City) is excited to announce the kick-off events for the General Plan Update, a once-in-a-generation opportunity for the community to work together to create a visionary blueprint for the future of our City. Once approved in 2025, the City’s General Plan 2045 will guide the development of the City for the … Continued
The City of Sonoma has canceled two noticed public hearings that were to take place on September 21, 2023. They have not been rescheduled at this time. To learn more, please refer to the Notice of Cancelation. For questions, please contact the Community Development department.