A special meeting of the Sonoma City Council will be held virtually on Friday, January 14, 2022, at 2:30 pm. View the full agenda on our CivicWeb Portal. The item to be considered is: Discuss/Consider/Act on a Motion to Reconsider the Broadway Restriping Project and If Motion to Reconsider Passes, Discuss/Consider/Decide Options for the Restriping of Broadway The … Continued
Due to the rapid spread of COVID-19/Omicron variant and out of an abundance of caution, the City of Sonoma is taking steps to protect the health and safety of staff and our community. On Thursday, January 6, 2022, the City Council voted to return to a fully virtual format for all City Council, Commission, and … Continued
A workshop regarding the Alternatives Report for the Sonoma Development Center Specific Plan will be held at the City Council meeting on Wednesday, December 15th. At thier December 1, 2021 meeting, the Council received a presentation from County staff regarding the Alternatives Report for the Sonoma Development Center (SDC) Specific Plan. After receiving numerous public … Continued
A regular meeting of the Sonoma City Council will be held on Wednesday, December 15th at 6:00 pm. View the full agenda including items on the consent calendar on our CivicWeb Portal. The items to be considered on the regular calendar are: Workshop Regarding the Alternatives Report for the Sonoma Development Center Specific Plan An Urgency … Continued
City Council Reorganization was on the agenda at the December 1st council meeting. The reorganization included a presentation of a distinguished service award to outgoing Mayor Madolyn Agrimonti. Jack Ding was then selected as the new mayor and Kelso G. Barnett as the new vice-mayor. See the Notice of Reorganization. A recording of the meeting is … Continued
A regular meeting of the Sonoma City Council will be held on Wednesday, December 1st at 6:00 pm. View the full agenda including items on the consent calendar on our CivicWeb Portal. The items to be considered on the regular calendar are: Direction on Preferred Approach for the City to Comment on Alternatives Report for the … Continued
At thier meeting on November 17th, City Council received a presentation about the Sonoma Ecology Center’s Earthlings Club and their efforts to support the city’s new waste sorting requirements and disposable food service ware ordinance. The following is the presentation given by the city’s sustainability coordinator, Travis Wagner. Community volunteers are a crucial part of … Continued
At their Regular Meeting on November 17th, City Council certified the results of the Special Municipal election that was conducted in the City of Sonoma on November 2, 2021, for the purpose of electing one member of the City Council to fill the vacant seat of Amy Harrington. Council officially declared that Sandra Lowe was … Continued
A regular meeting of the Sonoma City Council will be held on Wednesday, November 17th at 6:00 pm. View the full agenda including a presentation recognizing Deputy Steve Lucchetti for his service to the City of Sonoma, a presentation Recognizing the Sonoma Ecology Center “Earthlings” Club and items on the consent calendar on our CivicWeb … Continued
A regular meeting of the Sonoma City Council will be held on Wednesday, November 3rd at 6:00 pm. View the full agenda to view items on the consent calendar including the proposed Sonoma County Multijurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan on our CivicWeb Portal. The item to be considered on the regular calendar is: Discussion, Consideration, and Possible Action Regarding the Roles … Continued