Category: City Council Updates

City Council Meeting – March 16th, 6:00 PM

A regular meeting of the Sonoma City Council will be held on Wednesday, March 16th at 6:00 pm. View the full agenda including items on the consent calendar and public hearing items on our CivicWeb Portal. The items to be considered on the regular calendar are:  Resolution To Extend the Memorandum Of Understanding With Sonoma Overnight Support (SOS) … Continued

City Council Meeting – March 2nd, 6:00PM

A regular meeting of the Sonoma City Council will be held on Wednesday, March 2nd at 6:00 pm. View the full agenda including items on the consent calendar and public hearing items on our CivicWeb Portal. The item to be considered on the regular calendar is: Discuss, Consider and Provide Direction to Staff on the Purpose, … Continued

Sue Casey Named Acting City Manager

At their February 16, 2022, meeting, the Sonoma City Council appointed Sue Casey, the City’s Assistant City Manager, as Acting City Manager. Council approved Mrs. Casey’s appointment during Wednesday’s regular City Council meeting. In addition to having served as the City of Sonoma’s Assistant City Manager overseeing Finance, Human Resources, and Risk Management for the … Continued

City Council Meeting (Virtual) – February 16th, 6:00PM

A regular meeting of the Sonoma City Council will be held on Wednesday, February 16th at 6:00 pm. View the full agenda including items on the consent calendar on our CivicWeb Portal. The items to be considered on the regular calendar are: Receive Update Report from Sonoma Overnight Support (SOS) and City Staff on the Status of Finding … Continued

City Council Meeting – February 2nd, 6:00 PM

A regular meeting of the Sonoma City Council will be held on Wednesday, February 2nd at 6:00 pm. View the full agenda including items on the consent calendar on our CivicWeb Portal. The items to be considered on the regular calendar are: Discuss/Consider developing design standards and a possible long-term plan for the Sonoma Al Fresco … Continued

Council to Discuss Sonoma Al Fresco Program (Parklets) at Feb. 2nd Meeting

Sonoma City Council is scheduled to discuss developing design standards and a possible long-term plan for the Sonoma Al Fresco program, including parklets, at their February 2nd meeting. The City’s Al Fresco Program is slated to expire on October 31, 2022. View the full agenda including the staff report for this item on our CivicWeb … Continued

Housing Element Kick-Off Meeting – January 25th, 6:00 PM (Virtual)

On January 25th, the City Council and the Planning Commission will hold a virtual, joint public “Town Hall” meeting to discuss the preparation of the new Housing Element and receive a report on steps taken to date by staff and the City’s Housing Element consultant. The agenda includes: Housing Element Basics – what a Housing … Continued

City Council Meeting – January 19th, 6:00 PM

CORRECTION: Original post title included an incorrect meeting date. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 19th, not January 18th. A regular meeting of the Sonoma City Council will be held on Wednesday, January 19th at 6:00 pm. View the full agenda including items on the consent calendar on our CivicWeb Portal. The items to … Continued

Special Joint City Council / DRHPC Meeting – January 18th, 6:00 PM

A special joint meeting of the Sonoma City Council and the Design Review and Historic Preservation Commission (DRHPC) will be held virtually on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. View the full agenda on our CivicWeb Portal.  The item to be considered is: Discuss/consider Eliminating the Design Review Role and Responsibilities of the DRHPC. The meeting will … Continued

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