A regular meeting of Sonoma City Council will be held on Monday, August 6th at 6 pm. View the full agenda and staff reports. Items on the regular calendar to be considered by the City Council include: Request from Sonoma Valley Art Museum for City Support for Special October Fire “Love” Installation on Plaza Review, … Continued
Earlier today, the City received a request from the project applicants to postpone the City Council hearing on the Cheese Factory appeal. This request is being made to allow the time for the applicants to review and assess the large volume of material recently submitted by the appellants. Because of the complexity of the issues … Continued
A regular meeting of Sonoma City Council will be held on Monday, July 23 at 6 pm. View the full agenda and staff reports. Items on the regular calendar to be considered by the City Council include: Appointing James Moore as Interim Planning and Community Services Director Cannabis Initiative Measure Revenue Measure to Increase Transient … Continued
The Council Action Recap captures the actions taken by the City Council at their meeting. If you would like to view the video of the meeting you can do so on the City’s CivicWeb Portal.
A regular meeting of Sonoma City Council will be held on Monday, June 18 at 6 pm. View the full agenda and staff reports. Items on the regular calendar to be considered by the City Council include: Calling of the Election and Requesting Consolidation Adoption of the Cost Allocation Plan Adoption of the Proposed FY … Continued
A regular meeting of Sonoma City Council will be held on Monday, June 18 at 6 pm. View the full agenda and staff reports. Items on the regular calendar to be considered by the City Council include: Review of the Proposed FY 2018/19 Operating and Capital Budget The meeting will be held at City Council … Continued
The Council Action Recap captures the actions taken by the City Council at their meeting. If you would like to view the video of the meeting you can do so on the City’s CivicWeb Portal.
While the agenda for the Regular Meeting of May 30, 2018, was posted on the CivicWeb Portal, distributed to the Council / Agenda subscribers within the time parameters set by the Ralph M. Brown Act, it was inadvertently not posted on the City Hall bulletin board 72 hours prior to the meeting. This is also … Continued
The Council Action Recap captures the actions taken by the City Council at their meeting. If you would like to view the video of the meeting you can do so on the City’s CivicWeb Portal.
The next meeting of the Sonoma City Council will be held on Monday, May 14 at 6 pm. View the full agenda and staff reports. Items on the regular calendar to be considered by the City Council include: Receive an Update from the Council Ad-Hoc Homelessness Committee and Provide Direction on Sending a Letter to … Continued