Category: City Council Updates

Council Action Recap – 06.10.19

The Council Action Recap captures the actions taken by the City Council at their meeting. If you would like to view the video of the meeting you can do so on the City’s CivicWeb Portal.

Council Action Recap – 05.06.19

The Council Action Recap captures the actions taken by the City Council at their meeting. If you would like to view the video of the meeting you can do so on the City’s CivicWeb Portal.

Council Action Recap 06.03.19

The Council Action Recap captures the actions taken by the City Council at their meeting. If you would like to view the video of the meeting you can do so on the City’s CivicWeb Portal.

City Council Meeting – June 10

A regular meeting of Sonoma City Council will be held on Monday, June 10th  at 6:00 pm. View the full agenda and staff reports, including a public hearing on Commerical Cannabis Regulations, as well as items on the consent calendar on our CivicWeb Portal. The item to be considered on the regular schedule by City … Continued

Budget Workshop Scheduled for June 5, 2019

A special meeting of Sonoma City Council will be held on Wednesday, June 5th at 5:00 PM to review the proposed Fiscal Year 2019-2020 (FY 19-20) Operating and Capital Budget for the City of Sonoma and Successor Agency. The City Council will hold a budget workshop to review, discuss, and provide initial direction to staff … Continued

City Council Meeting – June 3

A regular meeting of Sonoma City Council will be held on Monday, June 3rd  at 6:00 pm. View the full agenda and staff reports including an Introduction & Recognition of the 2019 Creative Student Artist Adie Valavanis, a Presentation Regarding the PG&E Public Safety Power Shut-Off Program, a public hearing on an Appeal Filed by … Continued

Creation of a Housing Trust Fund & Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Fee Waiver Extension to be Considered at May 20th City Council Meeting

In accordance with the goals and priorities established by the City Council, several major policy decisions and other key initiatives are part of the current workplan.  Two items relating the Key Initiative, “Housing Opportunities and Strategies,” will be considered by the City Council at their regular meeting on Monday, May 20th. The two items to … Continued

City Council Meeting – May 20

A regular meeting of Sonoma City Council will be held on Monday, May 20  at 6:00 pm. View the full agenda and staff reports including presentations from Supervisor Susan Gorin and Sonoma Valley Fire & Rescue Authority as well as items on the consent calendar on our CivicWeb Portal. Items to be considered on the regular … Continued

Panelists Announced for Housing Our Community Town Hall – May 16

The “DISCUSS, Housing Experts Panel” is the second Town Hall in “Housing Our Community” Town Hall Series. This session will feature a moderated panel discussion with experts who build and finance affordable and market rate housing – with a focus on practical, real world examples.  The panel discussion will be followed by a moderated Question … Continued

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