Despite pandemic-related restrictions on construction activities, the City’s Building Department team has been very busy in recent months, with Solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems among several types of permit applications with a high volume. Since March, a total of 55 permits for Solar PV and/or battery storage have been issued, with four more currently in plan review. The City has an expedited and streamlined permitting process for qualifying small rooftop solar systems for one-and two-family dwellings, as well as for battery storage systems and electric vehicle charging systems.
To keep building applications moving forward while protecting the health and safety of staff and the public, COVID-19 protocols are in place for the permit process, with increased reliance on electronic submittals and communication via phone or e-mail along with counter modifications at City Hall. The Building Department team provides service at City Hall during normal business hours by appointment, led by Development Services Supervisor Jenny Yankovich. Joe Burroughs, our Plans Examiner, is available by phone or email during business hours to answer questions or make appointments. Building Inspector John Chase continues to perform inspections (physically distanced and masked) on a daily basis.
Energy consumption in our homes, businesses, public buildings, and schools is the second largest contributor of greenhouse gas pollution in Sonoma accounting for 23% of overall GHG emissions. Learn more about steps you can take to reduce your carbon footprint at sonomacity.org/energy.