Broadway Restriping
Current Status
Enhanced Pedestrian Safety Improvements
As part of Fiscal Year 2021-22 budget adoption on June 21, the City Council funded the Broadway (SR12) Pedestrian Safety Project. This project will provide enhanced pedestrian safety improvements at Patten Street, France/Andrieux Streets, Malet Street and at a relocated crosswalk north of Traintown with new curb ramps. Caltrans approval is required for the City to implement this project. The Broadway (SR12) Pedestrian Safety Project could be implemented with the existing or a revised Broadway striping plan.
Restriping Plan
City Council decided to request a revised striping plan that would reduce the pedestrian crossing distance on Broadway between MacArthur Street and McDonell Street by reducing the number of driving lanes. Council made this decision at their August 2, 2021 meeting.
The City requested that Caltrans implement the proposed striping plan for Broadway to improve pedestrian safety between MacArthur Street and Napa Street after paving Broadway in late Summer/Fall 2021 or Spring 2022 as part of the Pavement Rehabilitation project currently under construction. Caltrans approved the plan and restriping is tentatively scheduled to begin the third week of November, depending on the weather.
Striping Plan
As shown on the cross-sections, see below or view/download a pdf of pedestrian crossings and midblock cross-sections, the pedestrian crossing distance on Broadway will be reduced from 60 feet to 36 feet between MacArthur Street and McDonell Street by reducing the number of driving lanes.
Two northbound lanes would be retained between McDonell Street and Napa Street to accommodate turning movements and vehicle stacking at the Broadway/Napa Street intersection. In this reach, the pedestrian crossing distance will be reduced from 70 feet to 48 feet.
Project plans for Broadway show high visibility crosswalks and improved signage at Patten Street, France/Andrieux Streets, Malet Street and Clay Street, and removal of in-ground light systems at Patten Street and France/Andrieux Streets.
Pedestrian Crossing, Existing Striping - McDonell to Napa St

Pedestrian Crossing, Proposed - McDonell to Napa St

Pedestrian Crossing, Existing Striping - MacArthur to McDonell

Pedestrian Crossing, Proposed - MacArthur to McDonell

Mid Block, Maple to McDonell

Archived News Posts
- Jan. 20, 2022, Caltrans Repaving Resumes, Detours at intersection of Broadway & Napa Street and Leveroni & Napa Road Expected Thursday, Friday and Monday
- Jan. 13, 2022, Special City Council Meeting - January 14th, 2:30 PM
- Sept. 1, 2021, Notice of Proposed Removal of Crosswalk on Broadway at Clay Street
- July 29, 2021, City Council Meeting - August 2nd
- July 23, 2021, Council to Consider Revised Striping Plan for Broadway August 2nd
- July 16, 2021, City Seeks Community Feedback on Revised Broadway Striping Plan
- May 15, 2021, City Council Meeting - May 18th, 6PM
- April 30, 2021, City Council Request for Broadway Restriping Preference to Caltrans
- April 17, 2021, Restriping Broadway Survey Results are Now Available, Council to Consider Restriping Options at Monday, April 20th Meeting
- March 27, 2021, Broadway Restriping Survey Extended to April 6th
- March 2, 2021, Have Your Say on Restriping Broadway, Take the Survey Today!