The City of Sonoma has selected Bill Lynch as Honorary Alcalde (“Alcalde” is the Spanish name for Mayor) for 2023. Mayor Lowe nominated Mr. Lynch in recognition of his ongoing efforts and contributions to the Sonoma community. Particularly of note was the many ways in which Mr. Lynch exemplified each of the selection criteria. Some of Mr. Lynch’s service included starting the youth soccer program, forming a committee to establish the modern Vintage Festival and developing the Field of Dreams, serving as a volunteer firefighter, working on the fund-raising committee for The Boys and Girls Club development, and also on a committee to raise funds for the Sonoma Valley Hospital through many capital campaigns.
The announcement was made at the February 1, 2023, City Council Meeting and it was ratified unanimously by the City Council.
The nomination for Alcalde was based upon several of the following:
- A broad spectrum of voluntary community service to Sonoma Valley
- Service in a leadership role in at least one non-profit organization
- Has spearheaded at least one community-serving project without compensation
- Is well-known for consistent behind-the-scenes good deeds
- Does not seek public accolades or recognition for work done
- Adheres to a high standard of moral and ethical values
One of the nominations said of Mr. Lynch, “He is truly a kind, caring family man and has a heart as big as this community – ideal characteristics of an Alcalde!
The City of Sonoma will host a reception in Mr. Lynch’s honor in the near future. More information will be available shortly on the City’s website at https://www.sonomacity.org.
To learn more about the City of Sonoma Alcalde and a list of past Alcaldes and Alcaldessas, please visit our Alcalde page.