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Author: admin

City Council Denies Appeal of Altamira Project

At its meeting of January 29, 2018, the City Council heard an appeal of the Planning Commission’s decision to approve entitlements for the Altamira project, a 48-unit affordable apartment development proposed for 20269 Broadway. After holding a public hearing on the matter, the City Council voted 5-0 to deny the appeal. A resolution implementing this … Continued

Staff Report for Altamira Appeal

The staff report for the appeal of the Altamira affordable apartment developments, along with the meeting agenda, is  now available for download here: The hearing on the appeal will occur at the City Council meeting of Monday, January 29, 2018, which begins at 6:00 p.m. It will take place at the Community Meeting Room, … Continued

Anticipated Planning Commission Review

The Sonoma Cheese Factory Renovation/Expansion project is tentatively scheduled for Planning Commission review at the regular meeting of March 8, 2018. The Planning Commission’s consideration would include environmental review, as well as the application for use permit and design review approvals.

Anticipated Planning Commission Review

The Sonoma Gateway Project is tentatively scheduled for Planning Commission review at the regular meeting of March 8, 2018. The Planning Commission’s consideration would include environmental review, as well as the application for use permit and design review approvals.

Appeal Hearing Set for January 29, 2018

The appeal of the Planning Commission’s approval of the Altamira project will be heard by the City Council at its meeting of January 29, 2018. The hearing will be held in the Community Meeting Room, located at 177 West Napa Street. The City Council meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m.

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