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Author: admin

July 30th Hearing on Cheese Factory Appeal has been Postponed

Earlier today, the City received a request from the project applicants to postpone the City Council hearing on the Cheese Factory appeal. This request is being made to allow the time for the applicants to review and assess the large volume of material recently submitted by the appellants.  Because of the complexity of the issues … Continued

Revised Draft EIR for West Napa Street Hotel Project Now Available

In July of 2017, the City Council took action on an appeal of the Planning Commission’s decision to certify an Environmental Impact (EIR) prepared for the West Napa Street Hotel project. The City Council voted to uphold the appeal to direct staff and the environmental consultants to prepare a Revised EIR addressing specified topics, including … Continued

Sonoma Cheese Factory Appeal Set for July 30th

Following approval by the Planning Commission at the meeting of April 12, 2018, an appeal of the mitigated negative declaration and use permit for the Sonoma Cheese Factory was filed. This appeal has been scheduled for hearing by the City Council on July 30th, 2018.

Staff Report for April 12th Planning Commission Meeting

At the meeting of March 22, 2018, the Planning Commission heard public testimony regarding the proposed reconfiguring and expansion of the Sonoma Cheese Factory as a multi-tenant market place and began its discussion of project issues. However, no formal action was taken on the application except to continue the hearing to April 12, 2018. This action … Continued

Planning Commission Review of Gateway Project Scheduled for March 29, 2018

Consideration of the proposed Gateway Mixed Use development at 870 Broadway has been re-scheduled to a special meeting of the Planning Commission that will take place on March 29, 2018. The Planning Commission’s consideration will include environmental review, as well as the application for use permit and tentative map approvals.

Updated Materials for Sonoma Cheese Factory

Updated materials have been developed in conjunction with the Sonoma Cheese Factory, scheduled for the Planning Commission meeting of March 22, 2018. These materials, which include updated conditions of approval and mitigation measures, are available for download below.

Hearing on Sonoma Cheese Factory Continued to March 22, 2018

The Planning Commission review of the Sonoma Cheese Factory application has been continued to the meeting of Thursday, March 22nd. The meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers, located at 177 First West West, and will begin at 6:30 p.m.

Planning Commission Review–Updated

Consideration of the proposed Gateway Mixed Use development at 870 Broadway has been re-scheduled to a special meeting of the Planning Commission that will take place on March 22, 2018. The Planning Commission’s consideration will include environmental review, as well as the application for use permit and design review approvals.

February 5th Hearing on Hillside Appeals to be Rescheduled

In August and September of 2017, the City of Sonoma Planning Commission approved separate applications for the development of three residences on three lots in northeast Sonoma (at Fourth Street East and Brazil Street) having a zoning designation of Hillside Residential. Those approvals were subsequently appealed to the City Council. A public hearing date for … Continued

Application for FSE Project Withdrawn

The application for the development of the FSE site with a mixed use project featuring a hotel with restaurant and condominium units has been withdrawn. A new proposal has been made for the parcels adjoining First Street East. This concept calls for the development of a senior care center and and a component of apartment … Continued

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