The City of Sonoma is seeking a highly qualified, dynamic, and enthusiastic candidate to fill its Public Works Administrative and Project Manager position. This position will plan and organize administrative services, perform project management duties including preparing and managing budgets and provide professional-level support to the Public Works Director. The Public Works Department serves the needs of Sonoma’s citizens by maintaining, operating, and improving the City’s infrastructure, including transportation, water distribution, storm drainage, parks and trails, buildings and cemeteries.
A typical candidate will possess the equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in public administration, business administration or a related field. See the recruitment brochure for details.
The annual salary range for the incoming Public Works Administrative and Project Manager position is $82,073 to $99,760 DOE. If you are interested in this outstanding opportunity please submit a cover letter, City of Sonoma application and resume electronically to: City of Sonoma – Attention Cathy Lanning, Administrative Services Manager, clanning@sonomacity.org by Oct. 18, 2019.