10/28 at 5 PM: The National Weather Service has issued a new Red Flag Warning for 8 AM Tuesday 10/29 through 4 PM Wednesday 10/30 that includes all of Sonoma County. A Red Flag Warning is issued for weather events which may result in extreme fire behavior.
As of 4 PM today, our area is in a PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) “Watch” status for Tuesday and Wednesday. If a PSPS occurs in Sonoma, it is anticipated to be a smaller-scale shutoff similar to the October 23-24 PSPS. PG&E has begun the advance notification process and the current map for the October 29 PSPS event is online, but as the event gets closer the PG&E address look-up tool will be the best resource for specific locations.
A structure fire on the 600 block of Napa Road, just outside City limits, was responded to in the very early morning hours of October 28th by Schell-Vista Fire Protection District with additional resources from Sonoma Valley Fire & Rescue (SVFRA) and multiple other local/regional fire agency resources as well as CalFire. With a quick and comprehensive response, crews were able to contain the fire and prevent a dangerous expansion of the fire during a red flag warning, high-wind advisory, and power shutoff event. Crews continue to mop up and monitor the fire location, and this fire is currently under investigation . The fire caused an unplanned power outage affecting 1,800 customers. It also damaged fiber on Comcast’s system, causing a widespread outage. Both PG&E and Comcast continue actively working to restore services.
It’s been a very busy couple days for the City Public Works team as they’ve worked to clear streets and parks. The Plaza Park has now been re-opened after work today by City crews and contractors to address safety issues from wind-damaged trees and downed branches. City Hall and the Visitors Center were open today during normal hours.
The City and County have prepared the Sonoma Veteran Memorial Building to be available as a shelter for evacuees from the Kincade Fire. The Vets Building is currently is in Standby status as a shelter. The City remains in close contact with County Emergency Services and are prepared to activate the shelter if and when it is needed, working with our partners at the Sonoma Valley Unified School District, Sonoma Community Center, and Red Cross.